Digital Horse racing game

The game is involved in digital horse game which is built on the etherum which allows the players to mount to the virtual several races an hour. The horses are considered to be Non- Fungible Token (NFT)  the ultimate goal is  to create a good legacy and  a valuable stable which is full of winning the rear race horses . The  is like a digital horse racing in which the players can also breed, buy and race the digital seeds.


The technology behind the game is the NFT technology and which is like a good establishment of give full proof ownership and will allow the secondary transactions which are like the digital art and the collectable marketplace.


online games

The main thing is that the digital horses which are participating are traded as the non fungible tokens the digital platform is the the top seeds are fetching the six figure sums   the players are provided with buy, breed and race with the digital seeds.

All the animals are owned by the virtual reality world which is powered with the secure block chain technologies. The NFT’s cab vet sold for the profit and the digital horses which are berating NFT are considered to be the most powerful horses and the genes are on lives with the different algorithm and more over no two horses are same in the game.


The races are such they run round the clock they are streamed by the company website and it will enable the race to follow results, tips, and trade and even they share the third party tools in analyzing the dates. The users can live stream the races and even the clips of the game via the you tube.

Run wallet:

The run wallet will allow the player to enter into the game without any kind of the burden or the transactions fee. The wallet can be used only in the racing event.  The benefits of the game are zero improvements in the speeds and load times in the transactions and zero gas or the transactions when racing the game and no fees.  The wallet acts the gateway in-between the ETH balance and the other balance. If there are funds in the other balance than one can start with the game or eligible for the race. IN additional one can be able to withdraw or deposit the ether form the other balance during or after the game without any transaction charge or the fees.

Summing up:

The horses are considered to be Non- Fungible Token (NFT)  the ultimate goal is  to create a good legacy and  a valuable stable which is full of winning the rear race horses. The game is involved in digital horse game which is built on the ether which allows the players to mount to the virtual several races an hour.