Meredith Iler founded a not for profile organization with a motive to help the wounded heroes in battle by providing them a fully adapted home. She said to the board members of Helping A Hero in Houston that every military veteran deserves respect and support for their sacrifice.
Meredith Iler Decision to Award Home for Sgt. Zac Rhyner
Sgt. Zac Rhyner is a retired Air Force Technical. He was hospitalized after a firefight in Afghanistan. Rhyner got the Air Force Cross award. It is the second highest award which is given by the Air Force. He received it for the “extraordinary heroism” he expressed during the battle.
Rhyner is the latest resident of Holly Springs from 19th May 2017, the Twelve Oaks neighborhood.
Rhyner aged thirty has almost lost his left leg since he suffered an injury at the time of an intense battle.It was held for six hours in Afghanistan in the year 2008.
For his brave action during the battle, Rhyner earned the Air Force Cross award. Meredith feels that he needs a house which is specially designed to make him move around without much support. With this intention, the house was designed with equipment and fully equipped wheelchair.
She also added that when the Air Force has awarded him the prestigious award Air Force Cross award which was awarded to 191 veterans. He stands deserving for a house. He is from Wisconsin native and has two sons.
Meredith Iler Request To The Public
She places a request to all people not only to donate to her organization for offering the house to the wounded veterans but to remember the great action done by the veterans for the nation.She is mentioning to thank the veterans and share their stories and make them feel recognized in the society.
Helping A Hero extends support to veteran and take every step to support them. To make it more useful, they have decided to request the veterans to cover the one-fifth cost of the home. Does it sound unprofessional? No, because the efforts taken by the charity organization should not be unrealized. Thus they have given an option to the veterans to live in the home for a minimum of ten years, and they need not share the one-fifth cost. This shows the genuineness of the organization with a real mission to help the veterans.
About Helping a Hero Program
Meredith Iler got recognition from the Houston Woman Magazine as the most influential women. She has a passion for supporting the nation and found the way of helping the veterans with homes. Veterans who got more than seventy percent disability in the war are eligible to apply for a home with Helping A Hero foundation. Meredith along with the board members will analyze the details and carry out other legal formalities to award the veteran and their family.
The organization is proudly functioning for the last ten years with a satisfaction of helping the wounded heroes. They feel glad to support the nation in some way or the other.