Your Choices for the Smart Sending Of Parcels to Germany

Whether you are a private person or an entrepreneur, if you want to send a package, you want to do it as cheaply and safely as possible. But which provider do you choose? Because of the large number of providers of sending parcels it is possible that you cannot see the wood for the trees. It is important to consider what requirements you have to send your package, and then to look for the provider that meets that requirement.

Ask yourself the following questions if you want to send ParcelABC parcel delivery and are looking for a provider:

  • Does my package have to be picked up at my home?
  • Do I want to have my package insured? If so, up to what amount?
  • Does my package have to arrive at the addressee the next working day or is it less of a hurry?
  • Does my package have to be transported abroad?

All questions that are important in your final choice and influence the price you pay for sending a package. Courier companies put everything in order for you, so that you get a clear and honest picture between the various providers of sending packages.

Send your package in the right way

Send a parcel does not seem so complicated. But to ensure that your parcel post has the greatest chance of being sent in the right way and cheaply, here are a few tips.

Start with the outer packaging. Provide a good export package; this is a new cardboard box of double layer cardboard. For the very best protection you can also opt for three-layer cardboard.

Make sure that the size of the packaging matches your product. Too much space between your product and the packaging causes denting, too little space makes your product vulnerable due to external shocks that are not absorbed by cardboard or an inner package and therefore risk of damage.

Packaging of the package to be sent

Depending on your product, you can also use a packaging material. This can be bubble wrap, foam foil, foam buffers (flakes) or paper and corrugated board protection.

Send large package

Sending a large package is a separate profession. Carriers take into account the fact that sending a large package by air freight takes into account two different forms of weight. Consideration must be given to the actual weight and total volume weight of the package.

 Send cheap package

On CheapCargo companies you get a clear picture of what you get for your money. Based on your address, the address of the recipient, the size and the weight, you immediately see what a cheap package really costs. No hidden costs afterwards on your invoicesuch as a fuel surcharge, a remote area surcharge or a fine because your package is too big or too small and per feeder, what exactly you get when you send your parcel with a certain carrier.