3 Ways to Make the Bathroom Safer for Seniors

Bathroom accidents have become rampant. A study that was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that every one in three persons has suffered from a serious bathroom-related injury.

Things like slippery surfaces make bathrooms the most hazardous place in the home. For those of the elderly age gap, the joy of enjoying a good bath is usually clouded by the fear of sustaining serious injuries. However, it does not have to be all bad. There are ways to make the bathroom safer for seniors. They include:

Choosing the right dimensions

The dimensions of the bathroom should be able to accommodate the immediate and potential needs of the senior. Sufficient space is highly important because it lets the senior move around the bathroom freely, without any restrictions. Ideally, the door should be 34-inches at a minimum and be wide enough to accommodate bathtubs for the elderly as well as a wheelchair.

The American with Disabilities Act states that bathrooms that are meant for seniors should have a 5-foot turning radius. The top of the sink should be at least 34-inches wide to also allow for a good amount of space.

Installing grab bars

For seniors to feel safe and secure in the bathroom, they should always have something to hold on to. In this case, grab bars are perfect. They play a big role, especially for seniors who have poor balance as well as mobility issues. If the senior in your life has been making use of the towel bars in your bathroom, then it is time to make proper upgrades.Bathroom Safer for Seniors

If anything, towel bars are not meant for support. They may cause serious accidents. A good number of grab bars should be installed all over the bathroom, and they should be in places that requite easy to reach. After all, a majority of seniors do not have good upper-body strength. With these bars, standing and moving around will be easy tasks.

Investing in bathtubs for the elderly

There are bathtubs that are specifically designed for elderly people. They are the best solution as they eliminate any haphazard accidents that may occur in the bathroom. This is because they allow users to walk in and sit down, unlike the climbing over that is required by traditional bathtubs. Walk-in tubs give seniors the confidence to walk in the bathroom and enjoy their shower without having to worry about slipping or falling.

The installation of these safety features in the bathroom drastically decreases the risk of any injuries. They make it easy for seniors to enjoy unsupervised baths in their much-needed privacy, especially if they are used to caregiver assistance.

This will be highly appreciated because everyone prefers privacy when they are cleaning up. Also, adding simple things like anti-slippery mats and shower chairs will add an extra layer of comfort to the bathroom. A few simple adjustments go a long way in any bathroom. It is best to stop accident dead in their tracks. You know what they say, better safe than sorry.