As much as most parents want their babies to be forever babies, that is not the case. Babies grow up fast. They are still trying to learn to walk today and in the next few days, they are already running. You would not even notice days pass by and they would be getting married. For this reason, every parent treasures any moment with their babies. Recording special milestones, if not all moments, will keep these valuable memories alive. Most parents put the footprints of their babies on a special paper for preservation. Today, the inkless baby footprint kit is a hot trend. It lets parents do this awesome process without using ink. Printing as many as you want becomes easier and faster. More and more parents are using the inkless baby footprint kit because of many reasons.
No harmful ink
Being inkless, the kit is a safe choice for babies. You only need a special paper, which is already in the kit, for the process. Aside from the special paper, you can also use clay. It is easy to mold footprints on clay and most parents prefer this method next to the inkless footprint kit. Molding footprint on clay is as accurate as ink. Some parents even like the clay print more than ink ones because they can feel the texture of the print. Being able to feel the print makes it more memorable for them.
Various choices
There are plenty of wonderful selections when it comes to framing the footprints. It is crucial to have the prints protected for many years to come. The frame should also be presentable and wonderful to look at when displayed. The footprint will look more timeless and valuable this way. If you have no idea which frame would be perfect for your souvenir, you can always ask the seller. They will be more than glad to suggest to you the best ones they have available.
Lots of fun
Contrary to the belief of many, this activity is not boring. It is a safe and fun way to make special memories with your baby. Most parents even take photos when they make prints to make the activity even more memorable. It is best to make the most out of it while your baby is still a baby.
Very affordable
There are plenty of parents who shy away from using an inkless baby footprint kit. These parents worry about the cost of the kit. What they do not know is that it is actually very affordable. For some parents, it is an investment they are willing to splurge on because it is valuable. It is timeless and it makes their lives worth it. Looking at the prints make them reminisce about the good old days.