ECG Electrodes and Other Life Saving Cardiac Devices

Many people who suffer a heart attack do not notice any warning signs. In fact, some 50% of males who have a fatal heart attack never knew there was something wrong. Yet, heart disease continues to be one of the leading causes of death in men, regardless of race, and women are also at risk. It continues to be the main cause of death, and 65% of fatalities experience a sudden death without previous warning signs. Yet, research shows that if they had been previously checked with ECG electrodes, they may have prevented their death.

When ECG Electrodes May Be Needed

There are a number of risk factors for heart disease. If someone has those risk factors, it may be recommended for them to use EKG machines and ECG electrodes to determine whether heart disease is present. Furthermore, people should be aware of the more deceptive symptoms of heart disease, including nausea, cold sweats, and jaw ache, three symptoms usually ignored. There are more significant symptoms (swelling of the extremities, extreme fatigue, severe heartburn), that most people will ignore for a long time before they look into it.

Treatment Options

Through an EKG, a cardiologist can determine whether there is an issue with heart conduction, but also whether there is an imbalance of potassium or calcium. Additionally, it can show whether a heart attack happened in the past and, if so, in which part of the heart.


Should someone complain of a dull pain or chest heaviness during stress or after exercise, a cardiac stress test may be recommended. There are several different tests that can be performed. All of them measure the functioning of the heart muscle when heart rate increases. Commonly, this is achieved by administering medication, making patients run on a treadmill, or make them take a fast bike ride. It is a more time consuming testing method than an ECG, but it is non-invasive and highly accurate.

Then, there is nuclear testing. This is often done at the same time as a stress test. It provides an image of the muscle of the heart. This enables cardiologists to determine whether anything requires further investigation. They may, for instance, discover and quickly treat narrowing or blockages of coronary vessels.

A cardiac catheterization can be performed to save a person’s life. However, cardiac catheterizations can be even more beneficial in terms of preventing emergencies. This procedure is rarely offered, however, as it is very invasive and can lead to significant complications. During the procedure, cardiologists can receive a huge amount of data on the functioning of the heart muscle, and its valves. It is one of the most accurate diagnostics procedures for early heart disease.

Through all of these examinations, it can be determined whether patients need to make certain lifestyle changes, or whether they already require some sort of medical intervention to avoid problems later on. The results ensure that physicians can work together with their patients to lower their risk of suffering a heart attack.