Kidney Disease: Understanding the Types and the Risk Factors for the Condition

Kidneys play a significant role in filtering toxic wastes and blood impurities. While kidneys work as a pair, doctors have also proven that the body can survive with only one. However, that does not mean kidneys are immune to diseases or damages. If you want to understand what types of diseases can affect the kidneys, see Devaraj Munikrishnappa, M.D. and his team at Houston Kidney Specialists Center to shed more light. Meanwhile, here are some of the common kidney diseases they specialize in:

Types of kidney diseases

Kidney diseases prevent kidneys from performing their typical functions. They include:

Chronic kidney disease

As the name suggests, chronic kidney disease does not improve even after administering home remedies. It mostly affects people that have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. HBP hinders your kidney’s ability to filter water, blood impurities, and control red blood cell production. Over time, the kidney succumbs to damage. The only way to treat this condition is through dialysis.

If you have diabetes, your chances of developing the chronic disease may also be heightened. The condition affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar. Over time, excess sugar may cause your kidneys to become overwhelmed. When you have this condition, it is advisable to see a specialist to keep your blood sugar in control.

Kidney stones

This type of kidney disease develops when toxins in the blood develop into tiny stones in the kidneys. If you have been diagnosed with the disease, you may notice some crystal-like particles in your urine. The process of urination becomes excruciatingly painful, creating room for future complications. Do not hesitate to see a specialist when you notice these symptoms.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Bacteria can attack your urinary system, including the bladder and urethra, leading to UTIs. The urinary system is closely linked to the kidneys. Over time, the infection may travel to the kidneys, causing a failure. So, if you have never received treatment for UTI, it is advisable to see a specialist to prevent your kidneys from becoming collateral damage.

What having kidney disease feels like

Are you feeling exhausted, have developed a poor appetite, or trouble sleeping? These symptoms might indicate that you are suffering from other conditions. That is why it is difficult to know if you have kidney disease right from the start. People with high blood pressure, a family history of the condition, or diabetes have risk factors for kidney disease. If you fall in this category, ensure that you see a doctor right away.

See a Nephrologist to Treat Your Kidney Disease

Untreated kidney disease can lead to fatalities. The worst part about this condition is that it affects your quality of life. Sleeping throughout the night, performing your daily tasks, and losing appetite for food become a nightmare. Please do not assume that it will get better with time. And if you have a condition that makes you susceptible to kidney disease, find a specialist to keep it under control. To find out how a kidney specialist can assist you, schedule a consultation with one today.