Generally, whenever an individual has severe health complications, surgery is chosen as the best option in solving that problem. Some of the surgeries are highly invasive, while others are minimally invasive. The kind of surgery will depend on the health condition at hand. Most of the hospital cases are minor, and they primarily require minor surgery procedures. For robotic and minimally invasive surgery in Miami you can visit Dr. Peter A Khamvongsa at The Miami Institute of Urogynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery for the best service.
What is minimally invasive surgery?
These are surgical methods or approaches that highly depend on smaller incisions and fewer tissue displacement to complete the surgical repairs or alterations. This type of surgery differs from traditional open surgery that requires large incisions to access the surgical sites. The minimally invasive surgery is very beneficial to patients in the following ways:
- It reduces bleeding as it is only a tiny portion that is being cut.
- It ensures swift and fast healing.
- An individual also experiences less pain and swelling as compared to traditional open surgery.
- It highly reduces the internal formation of scars.
- An individual heals faster hence returning to their daily activities.
- It has a lower risk of health complications.
There are two types of minimally invasive surgery that are widely performed in health facilities. They are:
Laparoscopy. It is a minimally invasive surgery that uses the laparoscope device. The laparoscope is a surgical tube equipped with smaller cameras and fiber optic lights. It collects the images of the internal organs and tissues for external screening. This type of surgery allows a doctor to see the surgical sites without using a large incision. Laparoscopy is also used for diagnostic purposes. Sometimes surgical procedures may require a single laparoscope. The more critical conditions may require two or more laparoscopes during the incision
Robotic surgery. This is a type of surgery used in more complex situations where tiny incisions are required. Robotic surgery may invoke up images of a bulky robot hovering over a patient, but this is not the case. Robotic surgery makes it easier to find ways in surgical areas where hands cannot reach. The robotic surgical procedure is able to make movements with a high level of precision that even skilled doctors cannot achieve by bare hands.
What types of surgery are performed through this approach?
There are some specific types of surgery that suit the minimally invasive surgical approaches. Some of them are:
- Hysteroscopy with dilation and curettage
- Labiaplasty
- Endometrial ablation
- Vulvar biopsies
What is the recovery process like after the minimally invasive surgery?
Generally, the recovery process will depend on the kind of approach that was used. A customized plan that helps you recover faster is used to lower the rate of complications after the surgical procedure.
In summary, minimally invasive surgery is critical as it ensures a faster recovery process for the patients. This is beneficial so that they can return to their daily routine without facing any health complications.