4 Common Myths about Head and Neck Cancers



Cancer? The word alone can bring fear and worry into the hearts of many people. However, how much do you know about your condition? Head and neck cancers are not quite common, and regardless of where they originate or what they are made of, and their rate of multiplication, they can affect anyone at whichever age. Still, there are many myths and misconceptions concerning the development of these cancers. Unfortunately, lack of information leads to many people failing to diagnose cancer at an early stage. Knowing the facts and not the myths about Flemington head and neck cancers is the first step towards early detection and successful treatment. As such, to avoid being misinformed, the following are some common myths about head and neck cancers;

  1. Consuming too much alcohol can cause head and neck cancers

Alcohol consumption does not cause head and neck cancers, but on a similar note, it is a significant risk factor for cancers of the oral cavity, throat, and voice box. People who drink more than 50g of alcohol daily are at a 2-3 times greater risk than those who don’t drink. Tobacco users are likewise at significant risk, but it does not mean that just because you drink alcohol, you are guaranteed head and neck cancers.

  1. Head and neck cancers are fatal

Head and neck cancers are benign or malignant. While they can be deadly, with advanced and effective head and neck cancer treatment, it is possible to prevent the majority of head and neck tumors, prolonging a patient’s life. Please note that benign brain tumors are significantly more dangerous since they affect the brain’s normal functioning. It is always advisable to treat them as early as possible.

  1. Radiation therapy will kill you

Dealing with any cancer can be very frustrating and traumatizing. If you are diagnosed with head and neck cancers, your treatment plan might involve radiation therapy. While it will be physically and mentally exhausting, it is a life-saving treatment. With radiation therapy, you get access to a treatment option optimized to provide you with maximum benefit with minimal harm. You might experience some side effects, but they are not life-threatening. If you are not sure about radiation therapy, ensure you talk to your doctor before rejecting the treatment entirely. Sometimes it could be the difference between life and death.

  1. Only men get head and neck cancers

While men are at a higher risk of getting head and neck cancers, that does not necessarily mean women are safe. Men are indeed two to three times more likely than women, but the numbers are starting to change gradually. The growing use of alcohol and tobacco has seen women’s rates begin to rise and are not an exemption from head and neck cancers like many people tend to think.

The above are some of the common misconceptions concerning head and neck cancers that seem never to go away. They can hinder seeking the right treatment or take the proper action in dealing with the problem. By having the facts, you will be better placed to prevent yourself from the consequences of these dangerous diseases or detect them early enough for successful treatment.