Your grand piano is an investment, like your house, your car or your fine furniture. You will need maintenance and care like any other solid investment. A grand piano, with proper care, will only increase in value as it ages. On the downside, the costs of maintenance will increase too.
First, you need to make some installations and bear the cost of providing controlled temperature, or as close as possible to a controlled temperature. A grand piano wants a temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, plus or minus 5 degrees. The soundboards and strings of the piano are heavily influenced by humidity, the humidity of a room must remain at 50% constant, or near to it. It is important to keep the temperature and humidity at a constant level. Direct exposure is a strict no-no whether it is a sunlight, heat, or the temperature regulated air of the air conditioning system. Remember your grand piano is a delicate instrument.
Besides dusting, you can also use piano storage bag keeping at bay foreign objects and dust particles from intruding into the surface. It is recommended to use soft, lint-free cloth to gently clean the surface of the piano. When dusting your grand piano, clean it in the direction of the grain of the wood and operate in a straight line, not circular. Do not wax the piano, as the wax will accumulate on the surface.
Do not try to clean the inside of the piano; Leave it for a professional. You must have your grand piano repaired and tuned at least twice a year, depending on the use, and at the time the technician arrives at those services, you can also clean the inside of the piano. Yes, hiring a professional to clean your piano adds to the cost but is worth the expense.
The regulation of your piano is another part of the maintenance process. The piano’s action parts are durable, after a while, the screws become loose and the wooden parts can change with exposure to moisture or temperature fluctuations. A regular tuning service will adjust and regulate these parts as necessary. The total regulation of a piano can be expensive, but it does not need that kind of attention, generally, until after 5 or 10 years of use.
The voice is another part of the adjustment and regulation of your piano that must be done from time to time. Expressing a piano has to do with the density or hardness of the hammer against the felt. A brighter tonal quality is produced by hardening the felt and smoothing it produces a softer and duller tone. To express the voice of a piano it is necessary that it is perfectly regulated and tuned in advance. A qualified piano technician can take care of these tasks for you.
A trustworthy piano movers and storage service will have a lot of knowledge about how to care for them. Look at their website and check out all the beautiful pianos they have to offer, as well as great prices.