Varicose veins are enlarged twisted veins. If you have uncomfortable or visible varicose veins causing you distress, advanced treatment might eliminate the problem with less fuss and pain. Dr. Eugene Tanquilut in Tinley Park and other skilled professionals at Vascular Specialists are experts in giving advanced treatments for varicose veins.
What are varicose veins?
Varicose veins are bluish, bulging cords running beneath the surface of the skin. They mostly affect the feet and legs. Visible twisted and swollen veins can sometimes be surrounded by patches of capillaries known as spider veins.
Varicose veins are a common condition, and they are a family trait for many people. Women are more affected than men. In severe cases, the varicose veins can develop varicose ulcers on the skin or rupture. This may need treatment.
What causes varicose veins?
To help circulate oxygen in the blood from the lungs to all body parts, the arteries have elastic tissue or a thick muscle layer. The veins rely on the surrounding network of one-way valves and muscles to keep the blood flowing in the right direction. As the blood is flowing, the cup valve opens for the blood to flow through, then closes to prevent blood from flowing back.
In varicose veins, the valves don’t function appropriately, allowing the blood to flood in the veins, making it hard for the muscles to push the blood uphill. The blood continues to flood in the veins instead of flowing from one valve to another, increasing arterial pressure and congestion while making the vein twist and bulge. This happens because the veins have less support than deep veins.
Conditions that add a lot of pressure on the abdomen and legs can lead to varicose veins. The central pressure inducers are obesity, standing for long hours, and pregnancy. Although rare, tumors and chronic constipation can also cause varicose veins. Being inactive can also contribute to varicose veins because muscles out of condition provide low blood-pumping action.
As you age, the probability of getting varicose veins increases as the veins keep weakening. If you had a previous leg injury that damaged the valves in the veins, it may result in varicose veins. Genetics plays a role. If other family members had varicose veins, there is a higher chance you can get it too.
Treatment Options
If varicose veins enlarge, they might need to be removed surgically. It’s done under general anesthesia. Laser treatments are used to close smaller veins and even spider veins.
Ligation and stripping
Two cuts are made, one at the top of the target vein and another further down the leg, at the knee or ankle. The top vein is tied and then sealed. This procedure does not usually need a hospital stay. It can result in pain, bleeding, and bruising. In rare cases, there may be deep vein thrombosis.
Varicose veins usually get worse with time. If you make the required lifestyle changes, you can manage your pain and control them. In some cases, varicose veins might lead to sores on the legs, ulcers, chronic inflammation, or blood clots. If you have a severe case, the veins can rupture. If you develop any of these symptoms, you should visit the doctor immediately.