How to optimize conversion rates for websites that have low traffic?

Many business owners wonder how they would be able to understand the behavior of their visitors when they get low traffic on their business websites. This is especially true of small companies as well as startups because to get more visitors they will need higher conversion rates and to get better conversion rates they would require more visitors. Websites with low traffic have two problems in general, firstly, how will they understand the behavior of their visitors and secondly, how will they discern what exactly works. While high traffic websites will have A/B tests to help them out, low traffic websites won’t have that easily.

In this article, you will learn about ways by which you can optimize conversion rates for your low traffic website.

websites with low traffic

  1. What should you do to understand your visitors when your site isnot getting high traffic?

You can use a combination of the following tips to generate traffic and help you understand your visitors:

  • User-based tests are likely to be a beneficial technique. Ask people you know and trust to help you by participating in these tests. When you have refined your page a bit, try to make people from your target demographic participate in the user-tests.
  • Pay attention to the session recordings of your visitors. This will provide you some insight into the manner with which visits view your website. Also, you will get to see your page from a fresh perspective
  • Interact with salespeople. Speak with people who have sold similar products to people offline.
  • Check up on similar websites, look up those companies which are successful in related fields. Look up websites which sell products that are similar to your own.
  • Put up your contact number prominently at the top of all the pages on your website. This is a simple way to please your visitors by turning some of them into longtime user-testers.
  • Give incentives to visitors who complete your surveys. The higher and better incentives you offer, the more responses you would be getting.
  • Use survey tools.Choose the target audience for your business from a variety of users.
  1. How will you measure what is working if the website is not getting much traffic?

Many people who have websites with low traffic feel that testing will not be of any use because tests are time-consuming and take a long time to have any significance and will not be of any effort in the end.  However, that is not true. It is done correctly, then testing can bring immense benefits to your website, and you would be conducting tests quite often. So you should try doing A/B tests on your low traffic website.

Some strategies to help low traffic websites do CRO

  • Test the boldest and most significant ideas. When your site has low traffic, you must test out your big and bold ideas which will likely improve your traffic significantly. Test things which your visitors will care about. Overcome their objections. Highlight things which they will love. Change your offers, or how you present them. Test those things which might double or lessen conversions, but would be unlikely to make any significant difference. You can check out the LeadPages guide to know more and learn about successful ways to optimize the conversion rates for your business website.
  • Measure all “micro-conversions.” Metrics like those of click-through rates or engagement rates can be useful. These metrics are quite significant in number and are measurable instantly, but you will not be sure that they may correlate with any long-term success. You need to rely on these intermediate metrics to help understand your website’s traffic.
  • Combine all the similar pages within one test. If you give ten landing pages, and you feel like wanting to test your call-to-action key, then you must apply this same change on all those pages, also include them within the same test. Some companies will have more landing- pages that are needed, perhaps because they wanted to have a specific landing page for particular keywords. You can consolidate all these pages into a single one and then optimize it.
  • Reduce statistical significance which you find optimum. Right marketing decisions are not made with any measurement, so do not rule out ending a test on 85% confidence because the alternative that you have is to create a website, launch it and then pray that everything works out well. The benefits you can get from tests are a lot; your business will improve. You will understand customer behavioral patterns more. So, what you should do when you have a website that already has low traffic? Reduce the significance of statistics from these tests, unless they are abysmally poor. Because in the long run, these tests will help you more.
  • Fixed period type testing. Many tools for A/B-testing monitor your tests regularly on a continuing basis and convey to whenever there is a winner. To complement this, you can explicitly specify the maximum possible duration for every test, following which you would make a decision. If at that time the control is winning, you can promote it. If instead the challenger is winning, and you are sure that it is because of your research hypothesis then you can also promote the challenger. Do not be afraid to take risks. This approach is significantly meticulous in helping you formulate future strategies.


The techniques that have been described here are essential. These will surely help new businesses, and startups get higher conversion rates on their low traffic websites. Every successful business and company had to go through this little traffic stage at some point. You can try combining the techniques given here or test which methods work out best for you.  You can try experimenting a bit to see which of the techniques work best for your website. A professional can no doubt assist you in a much better way.