The Importance Of Teaching Your Child Healthy Eating

School, carpool, soccer, chess club, swim lessons, schoolwork, baseball, gymnastics, and band practice are all things that we all have to deal with on a daily basis. Does this hectic schedule ring a bell? While many parents desire to expose their children to a variety of activities there may be unexpected effects to doing so.

The good news is that we can start teaching our children about healthy eating habits at a young age, which will encourage and empower them to do so. This lays the foundation for long-term health and fitness. Here are some of the advantages of being exposed to good eating at a young age. Visit us at The Green Elephant and know more.

Child Healthy Eating

Better likelihood of making healthy decisions for the rest of your life

Most of us have seen an infant’s face when he or she is introduced to new flavors. As amusing as those expressions may be, this crucial stage in infancy sets the tone for a lifetime of healthy eating habits. As parents, we sometimes misinterpret this expression as a child rejecting a cuisine when, in fact, these expressions are informing us that this new food is unique and surprising.

According to studies, a youngster may require up to 20 or more exposures to a new cuisine before developing a taste for it. Early exposure to a variety of fruits and vegetables has also been shown to boost the likelihood of regular eating later in life.  According to studies, a youngster may require up to 20 or more exposures to a new cuisine before developing a taste for it. Early exposure to a variety of fruits and vegetables has also been shown to boost the likelihood of regular eating later in life.

Academic performance has improved

We all want our children to succeed academically. However, how does a healthy diet help to make this desire a reality? Nutrition has an impact on cognitive abilities, behavior, and overall health, all of which affect academic success. More specifically, eating breakfast, getting enough fruits and vegetables, and reducing sugar-sweetened drinks all increase cognition, focus, and energy levels, which has a positive impact on school-aged children’s academic performance.

Deficiencies in specific nutrients early in life, on the other hand, can have a deleterious impact on the cognitive development of school-aged children. According to a 2014 research, pupils who ate more fast food did worse on arithmetic and literacy examinations.

A better chance of having a positive relationship with food.

Nothing is more frustrating than spending a full day making a home-cooked meal just to have our child refuse it. Moving away from the “clean your plate” approach and teaching kids to pay attention to their internal hunger cues can help them develop a healthy relationship with food.