How To Get More Business For Your Cleaning Service



If you are the owner of a small business, you are going to be struggling to remain competitive. There are so many new businesses popping up and so few people requiring your specific services. Finding new cleaning contracts for your service is going to be difficult, but if you can get a few they are going to be an extremely reliable source of income to the company. If you can market your company in the right way to the people, you won’t have too much trouble finding new clients and enjoying your success later. First, you need to make sure that your business operations are laid bare to your clients. You need to show them details of your rates, services offered and other marketing materials. Write an “about us” section for your website along with descriptive service and mission statements.

Be Ready To Aggressively Promote Yourself

If you are going to engage in bond cleaning in Brisbane you also need to promote your company to all the potential candidates for an increased chance of a contract. You can build and maintain a great online presence if you can switch to social media like Facebook and Twitter to market your product directly to the masses. If you can get your hands on someone who knows their way around a computer, use them wisely. Prepare a database of all your clients, including their contact details and your history with them. Try to put in companies that fit the criteria you specify for yourself. This includes the location of their offices, as well as the size of their buildings and so on. The more information you have about their company, the easier it is going to be to talk to them and figure out what they need.


Provide Free Consultations and Quotes

You can then start getting bond cleaningcontracts by calling up each of the companies on the database one by one. When they pick up, ask to speak to a manager. Say that you are curious, and then ask if they are happy with the ideal services they are currently employing. If they say that they aren’t, offer to provide them with a free evaluation and consultation so that you can give them a quote of your own. If they are happy with what they hear, that’s great.

If they say they are happy with their current cleaners, try to recommend getting a quote anyway because its free and the chances are that it will save them money in the future.