Are You Ready to Train Again after an Injury

For an athlete, or even an avid fitness enthusiast, there is not a lot worse than getting injured. Not only the injury itself, which is the primary problem, but also the shift in the entire schedule and the way of life.

In the immediate aftermath of the injury, chances are that your doctor will tell you not to train and rest a lot. Even though it is a smart and reasonable thing to do, it may be a bit difficult to adhere to these rules.

We asked chiropractic experts at Fix Body Group on their experiences with athletes recovering from injuries and when it is safe to get back to training after an injury.

Your Previous Experience

If this is your first serious injury which made you stop training or doing exercise, chances are that you do not have a frame of reference to when it will be safe for you to get back to your usual routine.

However, there is your solution – once you feel well enough to do most other things without pain or discomfort, you can consult your doctor to start training again, albeit in a reduced capacity.

The Severity of the Injury Plays a Major Role, Too

This goes without saying, but a sprained ankle will only stop you for a short time, whereas a fracture, or surgery is something you should take a bit more seriously.

The severity of your injury also determines the intensity of the physical activity you are able to handle at the start. Some fitness experts claim that up to 5 days of absence results in no loss of fitness ability and that you should be able to get back at it with the same intensity.

However, anything longer than that will incur some restrictions, as well as a reduction in your abilities and you should take that into account when restarting your training.

Your Will May Be Strong, But Listen to Your Body

If you are competitive, chances are that your mind will be ready to jump back in a lot sooner than your body is fully healed and ready.

That’s why it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions and to keep to the schedule they set up for you. Listen to the subtle cues from your body to see whether you can really achieve what your mind has decided.

Ease Yourself Into It

One of the simplest, and often most disregarded pieces of advice a doctor or a fellow fitness enthusiast might give you is to wade in slowly. Don’t rush, don’t go for the maximum right away, give your body enough time to reacclimatize to the training and all the physical requirements it entails.

Even though you may not like it, there will be times when your body is simply not ready for the full strain of your full workout.

Help Your Body Heal

Aside from your regular doctor’s appointments and plenty of rest, there are other things you can do in order to help your body heal faster.

One such thing is proper diet, aimed at recovering strength and rebuilding your physique. Another thing many athletes do is visit a chiropractor. These specialists can help you heal and recover without the use of drugs and invasive surgery. There are even chiropractors in the US Olympic team. In fact, they’ve been a part of it since the 70s.

Even though waiting can be discouraging and annoying, waiting the proper amount of time can be crucial to help your body heal fully and avoid having a chronic injury which will mare all your future physical activity.