Different Ways to Co-Parent During Holidays Without Stress

Basically, a holiday should be full of happiness, peace, togetherness, and love. But in reality, holidays are stressful, especially for families who dwell in changes like divorce or separation.

Co-parenting is the number problem of families who got separated. It’s not easy as you may think, especially if the two parties are not in good terms when the time a separation has been granted by the court.

Balancing the parent’s quality time with their children during the weekends, winter break, and holidays is a great struggle and complicated task. Some parents are working full-time, and probably your kids have other school activities that were lined up – caroling, skating, musical play, sleepovers with friends, ski, out-of-town vacations, play-dates, part-time jobs, driving schools, and so on.

So, whether you and your partner are now separated, an effective co-parenting is required to handle your holiday break hassle-free and less stressful. However, this task can be quite challenging, to begin with. But don’t worry, there’s a piece of good news that awaits you.

Ask your family law solicitors in chester to give you some professional advice regarding co-parenting during the holidays. But if you prefer the casual way of co-parenting, follow these tips:

1. Talk with Your Co-Parent Over Some Hot Drinks 

It’s a winter break for a reason. The best way to start a conversation with your ex-partner is to reach them out and discuss a plan for the holiday. You can invite them to your favorite coffee or tea shop and talk about the plan casually.

If both of you are in good terms and if you have plans during the break, tell them to the other party. Both of you should have access to your schedules. More importantly, both of you should agree on those plans.

Though court changes may not be a requirement, it is still best to review the court order regarding the parenting access and consult it with your family law solicitors in chester.

2. Create a Plan 

For separated or divorced parents, the holiday break schedule is a part of the orders from the divorce judgment. If you’re still in the middle of divorcing, you can work it out with your co-parent and your family law solicitor (if you have one) to create a holiday schedule.

You can evaluate your relationship with the other party. Questions like, “would it be okay to do some fun activities together?” For example, a family dinner with all the family members, or perhaps an ice skating or vacation on the family villa, might be possible.

Aside from the plan, do everything beyond your capacity to make the child understand what’s happening from the family. Explained to them clearly where they will spend their holidays. Depending on the age of your child, you may consider writing a family plan on the calendar to assist them in conceptualizing where and which parent they will be staying.

3. Don’t Forget About Yourself, Always Take Care

Getting separated or divorced could be the most emotional phase of your life, and holiday break will push you on the edge of loneliness, especially if you’re not together with your children. So, if you’re spending the holiday away from your children, make sure that you have a plan to pamper yourself. Enjoy the holiday with your friends and family, or go on a vacation alone to meet new friends and to calm yourself for inner peace.