Easy Tips for Beginners to learn code in Python Effectively

The most frequently asked question when you start to learn Python is obviously, ‘What is the best way to learn Python?’ When you start to learn any type of programming language, the very first step is to understand the basic methods to learn the language. Learning can be considered as the most important skill in implementing any computer programming language. Understanding the various methods to learn any computer programming language is critical because any language is under constant change. The change includes the inclusion of new libraries and tools that are being constantly upgraded.  In order to be on par with the change, knowing the different method s of learning is the foundation to become a successful programmer. The below learning methods would help you to kick-start your path to become successful a Python Programmer.

Adherence to Learning: The below tips would help you to glue yourself to the wold of Python Learning.

  1. Regular Practice

If you have a look at the various Python Training online courses, they always suggest having a rigorous practice schedule. The consistency of regular coding practice is extremely important when you start to learn a new language. Muscle memory is very important while learning to code. Giving your time to write codes every day would improve your muscle memory largely and thereby be of immense help in the end.

  1. Take Notes

Taking notes has been always considered nerdy, especially for aspiring programmers. However, the fact is the opposite. You should definitely take notes while learning to code. Writing something down (especially by hand) has been proven to be in memory for a longer time. This habit has two important benefits:

  • Interviews: In almost all the interviews, we are asked to write code snippets either on paper or boards. The practice of writing notes of codes would put you in a better position to crack the interview.
  • Planning: When we start any kind of work, we try to plan them according to the priorities. The habit of writing would definitely help to plan properly the tasks of coding. It can save in a huge amount of time, as you can understand how the multiple classes and functions interact with each other without actually working on the code in your computer.
  1. Make full use of Python Interactive Shell

Python is a fun programming language. It is easy and uncomplicated. The best part is that the Python Interactive Shell embedded within the language provides the best ways to learn and understand Python. Some common examples of using the Python Shell are explained below:

  • Using the element dir (): When dir () is used on any element, it gives all the actions that can be performed on the element.
  • Any element’s type can be learned with its aid
  • The embedded help system can provide the full documentation of it
  • It also provides the facility to import new libraries and do trial and error with them.
  • It also helps to run the various shell commands
  1. Break it up in small pieces:

Any kind of learning process involves effective breaks. Learning computer-programming language is no stranger to this method as well. It is advised that you should always take a break of twenty-five minutes during the learning process to repeat it back. This practice helps in to retain more information, which is extremely important when you are trying to learn new things. Moreover, monotonously coding often plays mind tricks and we are unable to debug or come up with fresh ideas.

  1. Do not let the bugs bug you:

When you are writing complex code, bugs will definitely come into existence.  However, getting frustrated over these small terrorizes will not be of any help.  You need to methodologically approach the written code and understand the possible area of the issue within the code. When you have that idea introduce Python Debugger and go into the interactive mode to solve the problem.

Collaboration is the key to success

It is always helpful to share your learning journey with fellow learners. Some of the tips below would be really helpful:

  1. Birds of same feathers should flock together:

Many of such courses offer group sessions where you can have a discussion with live users who are rookies in the Python learning world. It is because learning to code or coding itself is best done while working in groups. One of the most important parts of learning is to share the secret of the trade with your fellow learners. This give-and-take system is actually helpful than thousands of books or courses to master the language.

  1. Pairing:

In continuation of the above discussion, one popular method to code effectively is pair coding. In this method, two coders would work on the same machine to complete the code. One would be ‘driver’, who writes the code. The other one would be the ‘navigator’, who reviews the code.  Switching the roles frequently would make code rich and increase its durability. It would give different perspectives to write the code and solve the given problem.

  1. Teaching:

The foundation of any learning strengthens even more when you teach what you have learned. This aspect is the same for learning to code in Python as well. Imparting your knowledge via various mediums like podcasts, blogs, whiteboarding, using video in social media will prove to be beneficial for the learning aspirants as well as for you. Keeping your teaching sessions interactive would also help you to fulfill the gaps that you have in your understanding.

  1. Asking questions that matter:

In light of the above discussion, teaching and questions go hand in hand. It is always important to ask questions while learning. However, mindless questions would not be of much help. They would waste time and confuse the solution provider about the thought processes you had while developing or learning the code. The questions need to be framed based on the following points:

  • Describe the problem clearly by giving proper contexts.
  • Provide information about your trials to solve the problem
  • Even though you are unable to solve it, still provide your assumptions on the probable solution.
  • Provide a demo of the issue on practical grounds, so that one can have clarity on the issue

Constructive Approach

While we are busy learning, we often forget to understand how to use our knowledge in order to be a part of something whole. The below points would be able to help you understand how the things that you have learned would actually help you to make something worthwhile

  1. Build Projects:

Leaning to code in Python is truly accomplished when you are actually able to build a project. When you are comfortable with the initial steps of learning like writing classes,  elementary data structures or programming that is object-oriented, then it is time to get up to the next level. The next level is to build a project from scratch. It is the process of building the project that would be responsible to make you learn about the various techniques of Python coding.

  1. Replenish the Open Source:

It is common knowledge that Python is an open source tool. You too have been a part of the millions of novice learners who were benefitted from such open sources of learning. Now, contributing back to the open source would immensely help your fellow Python Learners. Interacting with open-source libraries or code can be extremely valuable for your learning experience. It because of many famous companies has been contributing to the open source. Therefore, you can actually understand and work with the codes of efficient engineers who have developed the code.

Python is today one of the most popular machine learning courses available. If the training is taken in the right way, you can be sure to use it in diverse options. Hence, the best thing is to know the right approaches to get the training achieved.