Great at Math? Here’s Some Jobs For You

In today’s world of big data it has never been a better time for someone with skills in the field of math to find a high-paid job within a growth industry and if you have a natural ability for number crunching then this is your time. It is always important that you try to elect a career which plays best to your strengths and if numbers is something that comes easy to you then you should be looking at a career path where you will have the opportunity to flex your math muscles. Let’s take a look at some of the jobs where you could excel using your mathematical ability.

Financial Advisor

 I have a friend who is a financial advisor and he has always had an incredible ability when it came to number crunching, Adam Rosenfeld Merril Lynch financial advisor and wealth manager has shown me the success that a financial advisor can really have. He is based here in Miami and has over 16 years experience in the field, he has managed huge international clients and looks after millions of dollars worth of assets. If you are able to process and analyze huge amounts of information and turn it into investment advice then a career in financial advice could well be for you.


Every business in the World relies on the help of accountants to keep their finances in order and you could qualify for this position if you are natural good at organizing figures. Computing has changed the face of accountancy and although they are capable of making fast calculations, human accounts are still required to spot details or flaws that exist in accounts. In order to pursue a career in accountancy it is worthwhile studying it at college and if you are able to, you could go to study a Master’s degree in a specialized form of accountancy such as taxation or even something broader like auditing. There will never be a shortage of demand for accountants and if you can get yourself a stellar education then you could find yourself in a high paid role within a huge global company.


Big businesses and governments rely very heavily on the work that statisticians do and the feedback and advice which they provide based on the statistics which they have analyzed. Statisticians deal with huge volumes of numbers and figures and high frequency information and they must process such details and implement it into real terms for their employers benefits. The statistics could be anything from shopping habits to credit scoring and the accuracy which a statistician must provide needs to be perfect. For many, a job like this may not seem like very much fun nor a very rewarding job but for this who love to number crunch, this is the holy grail of jobs.

These are just some of the options out ether for those who love to work with numbers and as a general rule, the finance industry is where you should probably be heading in order to maximize your ability.