Caring for an older person in their own home is one of the most rewarding jobs there is but certainly also one of the hardest. Being on call 24/7 can be exhausting and the job can take an emotional toll on hardworking carers.
It is sometimes forgotten that those who provide home care need to relax and recharge occasionally and most of all to feel that they are cared for too. So, with Christmas coming up why not take a look at our suggestions for how you can show you care with one of these great Christmas gifts.
Regular Time Off
No-one works at their best when they are exhausted and running out of steam so friends or family members of the elderly person could offer to take on the job of care giver on a regular basis, say for a few hours a week or one weekend a month. This will allow the carer to recharge their batteries and deal with anything they need to.
Spa Days and Pampering Time
Buy them a voucher to use in a salon or spa; a relaxing massage, facial or manicure is a great way to de-stress and unwind. Volunteer to cover for them while they enjoy a pampering session.
Blitz the Cleaning
One of the in-home care tasks a carer is called upon to do is cleaning and this can be tedious as well as stressful when a myriad of other things must be done throughout the day. Take this chore away from them for a day occasionally to take some of the pressure off either by doing the cleaning yourself or hiring a professional cleaner.
Similarly, other jobs such as gardening, home maintenance or walking the dog could be tasks which you could commit to helping out with now and again.
Hobbies and Socialising
One of the most difficult things for a home carer is to try to somehow fit in time for hobbies and interests or for meeting up with friends and in many cases these fall by the wayside. This is again the perfect opportunity for you to give them the gift of time so that they can enjoy personal pursuits.
Help Them Look After Their Health
They will be busy looking after their elderly chrgeand this will certainly involve a lot of running around but this is not the same as physical exercise for fun. Find out what they like to do to keep fit and whether that is going to the gym, swimming or regular yoga or Pilates sessions why not buy them a subscription for their favourite pastime? Not only will they appreciate the chance to de-stress and socialise you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping them to keep fit enough to care for your elderly relative.
A Great Meal Out
Find out what their favourite eatery is and buy a voucher or gift certificate to enjoy a meal at their favourite place. Or, if cooking is your forté why not cook for them in the home, or fill the freezer with home-cooked, ready to heat meals.