Sexually transmitted diseases are conditions that spread through sexual intercourse. Most people with STDs in Lady Lake, Florida have no symptoms of the disease. These diseases can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. There other ways in which STDs can spread including through the bloodstream and from an infected mother to her unborn child. The presentation of STDs varies in different people.
Because of the transmission of STDs that happens from asymptomatic people, it is important to have regular screening for STDs. If you have symptoms of an STD in Lady Lake, men’s health specialists can help. To begin, they will take a thorough medical history and then conduct a physical examination. The doctor may also order laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment varies depending on the type of STD that you have.
What Are the Risk Factors of STDs?
Having sex without protection is one of the factors that put you at risk of getting an STD. You may also get an STD if your partner does not wear the condom properly or if you use protection irregularly. It is also possible to get an STD when you have oral sex. Another risk factor for STDs is having multiple sexual partners. Having multiple sexual partners means either being in concurrent sexual relationships or consecutive monogamous relationships.
If you have had an STD in the past, you are at risk of having another STD in the future. Drinking alcohol and using other drugs lowers your reasoning and judgment of situations and therefore puts you at risk of getting an STD. STDs are common in people who are between the ages of 15 and 24 years. Sharing needles and other sharps put you at risk of developing some STDs like HIV and Hepatitis B.
How to Prevent STDs
The best way to prevent STDs is to abstain from sex. You can also prevent STDs by practicing safer sex which means that you use protection properly and consistently when having sex. Do not have multiple sexual partners and avoid partners who have other sexual partners. Avoid sharing needles and other sharps and also avoid oral sex because it is also a risk factor for STDs.
You can get a vaccination for some STDs like Hepatitis B. You can also consider taking pre-exposure prophylaxis that helps to prevent HIV. Male circumcision is thought to reduce the chances of getting and spreading STDs. Quitting alcohol and other drugs helps to prevent STDs because you can make wiser decisions when you are sober.
What Are the Symptoms of STDs?
Some people with STDs may not have any symptoms at all. For those who have symptoms, these symptoms include genital sores and ulcers. These ulcers can also develop in the mouth for people who have oral sex, and in the anal region. Foul-smelling vaginal and penile discharge and pain during urination are other symptoms of STDs.
Other symptoms of STDs include pain during sex and getting unusual vaginal bleeding. You may also get lower abdominal pain, body rash on the core of your body, and fever when you have a sexually transmitted disease. Some of the complications that can develop due to STDs include chronic pelvic pain, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, pelvic abscess heart diseases, and cancers like cervical cancer.
Sexually transmitted diseases affect people who have unprotected sex, those with multiple sexual partners, and those who share needles and other sharps. You can reduce your risk of developing STDs by having protected sex or even abstaining from sex. To reduce serious complications of STDs like infertility and chronic pain, it is important to go for regular screening and seek treatment if you develop symptoms.