How to Curb Anxiety and Stress Naturally

Many people from across the world are burdened by anxiety and stress. They experience symptoms like nervousness, tension, chest pain and agitation. In several cases, another medical condition, like an overactive thyroid can cause an anxiety disorder. Seeking a correct diagnosis from a family medicine physician in Santa Monica can ensure that one receives the proper treatment.

Here, we take a look at several natural remedies for stress and anxiety. However, it’s essential to consult a physician first before trying new solutions.

  1. Exercise

Regular exercise can help to treat anxiety problems. It’s an excellent solution for burning off the anxious energy. Exercising can also help treat anxiety triggered by stressful circumstances.

Additionally, relaxation exercises can help those who unconsciously tense their muscles and clench their jaws due to anxiety. Try lying in a comfortable position and gradually constricting and relaxing every muscle group from the toes to the jaw.

  1. Meditation

Another excellent way to slow racing thoughts is via meditation. A wide variety of meditation techniques, such as mindfulness during yoga can make it easier to control stress and anxiety.

  1. Writing

Identifying a way to express anxiety constructively can make it appear more manageable. Journaling your thoughts or other forms of writing are proven to help children and teenagers dealing with anxiety.

  1. Adopting a Time Management Strategy

Some individuals feel anxious when they have too many things to handle at once. Maybe their work is demanding, and they also have to cater to family and health-related activities. Setting up a plan for the next necessary step can help to reduce the risk for anxiety.

An effective time management strategy can help a person concentrate on one commitment at a time. Online calendars or physical planners can help you resist the urge to multitask.

  1. Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil

Sourced from the marijuana plant, CBD has a significant potential to ease stress and anxiety. Unlike other types of marijuana, Cannabidiol oil doesn’t contain THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the substance behind the “high” effect. Several areas in the US have legalized the use of CBD to treat anxiety and other medical issues.

  1. Aromatherapy

The smell of soothing plant oils may help to reduce anxiety and stress. Specific scents function better for some people than others; therefore try experimenting with a variety of aromas. Lavender, for instance, might be especially useful. Aromatherapy also helps to ease sleeping problems.

  1. Herbal Tea and Supplements

Many herbal teas, including chamomile, may help to decrease anxiety levels and ease sleep. The process of making and drinking herbal tea is soothing to some people, and the teas have a more direct impact on the brain. For instance, chamomile alters the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in the body.

Similar to herbal teas, several herbal supplements can help with the management of anxiety. However, it’s vital to consult a doctor, who knows about herbal supplements and their interactions with other medications, before taking supplements.

  1. Adopting a Pet

Without a doubt, pets provide companionship, love and support. A pet can be beneficial to anyone suffering from various mental health problems, including anxiety. Many people prefer to keep dogs, cats and other furry mammals as pets. People who are allergic to fur can try other pets including fish.

Additionally, spending some time with animals may also decrease anxiety and stress linked to trauma. For example, spending some time with horses and grooming them may alleviate some of the anxious feelings.

In addition to the above remedies, therapy may also help to curb chronic anxiety. Any anxiety that interferes with one’s ability to live properly warrants medical treatment.