How To Promote Venous Ulcer Healing?

How do you know you have a venous ulcer? Venous ulcers occur mainly on the lower parts of our legs. Some of the signs that may indicate you have a venous ulcer include leg swelling, itchy, tingling skin, the unevenly shaped area around the ulcers, and more.

Venous ulcers might be slow to heal. Hence it is wise to have a doctor’s intervention. Do not venous ulcers dictate your life; ulcer treatments in Manhattan with Dr. Bradley Radwaner can stimulate faster healing and lower the risk of complications. Get in touch with Elite Veins NY for a consultation.

What causes venous stasis ulcers?

Venous ulcers are wounds that develop on your skin due to the damaged valves causing blood to pool in your veins. When not treated, your ulcers are at risk of infections and complications.

Venous stasis ulcers occur when there is poor blood flow in your leg veins, causing accumulated pressure in the veins. The increased pressure forces blood and fluids from the veins to the surrounding tissues, causing swelling, inflammation, skin color, and texture change.

After some time, the tissues begin to collapse, forming a small wound at the skin surface. Venous ulcers regularly form over your ankle or on the leg’s inner part. But, venous ulcers can occur anywhere on the lower leg and can happen to one or both legs.

Promote Venous Ulcer Healing

Venous stasis ulcers are likely to occur in women and individuals aged 65 years old and above. You can also have venous ulcers from the following:

  • Heart failure
  • Family history of long term vein disease
  • Obesity
  • Leg or vein injury
  • Vein issues such as varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis
  • Injection drug use
  • Inactivity
  • Smoking

How do you know you have venous stasis ulcers?

Venous ulcers are wounds on your legs or ankles with the following:

  • Mild to severe pain
  • Have a foul-smelling discharge
  • Present for four or more weeks
  • Darkened or discolored with scales around the edges

Why do you need immediate care for a venous stasis ulcer?

When you do not get ulcer treatment soon, the ulcer grows larger, increasing your risk of complications. On the other hand, ulcers heal slowly, and medical care is necessary to enhance their healing.

What to expect during ulcer treatment?

During your consultation with Dr. Radwaner, he carries proper diagnosis, which involves examining your leg, medical history review, blood and imaging tests. This step allows your provider to determine the cause of your ulcer. He then uses the findings to develop a personalized treatment plan, which may include

  • Compression stockings

Compression stocking helps bring the veins pressure to normal and improves blood flow by squeezing your legs.

  • Leg elevation

It helps improve blood flow and lowers fluid buildup and swelling, promoting healing.

  • Innovative dressings

These are specialized dressings to enhance healing. They work by keeping the ulcer moist and at the same time absorbing excess fluid leakage. They also use the body’s enzymes to improve recovery.

  • Debridement

It involves removing dead tissue from the ulcer’s surface using different methods such as specialized dressings or enzymes.

Wound care at home is essential when it comes to promoting the healing of your ulcers. If you have a venous ulcer, do not hesitate to seek expert care. Call Elite Veins NY today to have your consultation with Dr. Radwaner.