The decision to go for a vasectomy is one of the toughest choices you and your partner can have to make. Your New York vasectomy specialist Michael Rotman, MD, asserts that you should take time as a couple to evaluate and think about whether it is the path you want to take. Though the procedure might be the best option when you have no plans of having kids in the future, it might not be an option to consider if you are looking for a temporary birth control form.
What should you expect during the procedure?
The question you are probably asking yourself is if vasectomy hurts. Well, probably not. Your healthcare provider will ensure to make the process as comfortable as it should. He will inject local anesthesia into your testicles to numb your treatment areas. Your surgeon may also give you medication to make you calm throughout the procedure. However, you might feel slight discomfort, especially when your doctor numbs your testicles in preparation for the process.
Vasectomy comes in two types. One will require an incision and the other one is incision-free. During an incision vasectomy, your doctor will make either one or two tiny cuts in your scrotum through which he will tie your vas deferens. In some instances, the specialist may remove a small piece from each of the tubes. The surgeon will then block (with surgical clips), tie, or close (with an electrical current) your tubes. After your doctor is done with the process, he will then stitch up the incision.
On the other hand, the incision-free vasectomy prompts your doctor to puncture your scrotum to access your vas deferens. The surgeon then cauterizes, ties off, or blocks your tubes. Since the treatment does not need an incision, you are likely to heal quickly with no scars.
How are you likely to feel after vasectomy?
You are likely to feel pain or slight discomfort after the treatment. You may also experience some bruising and swelling, which may resolve in a few days. The healthcare professional may also advise you to wear snug underwear that will minimize your testicles’ movements, ice your genitals (when in pain), refrain from having sex for approximately seven days, and take pain medications to relieve you from pain. You might also rest from doing physically strenuous jobs or exercises for about a week after the procedure.
Does vasectomy prevent pregnancy immediately?
Sterilization will not happen immediately after your doctor ties, blocks, or closes your vas deferens. However, your ejaculate sperm count will decrease gradually over time. As a result, your doctor may advise you to continue using other birth control forms until you ejaculate completely sperm-free semen. The gradual sperm recession may take you approximately two months or around 20 ejaculations before you should resume your regular sexual life.
Will vasectomy affect your sexual functioning?
The treatment should not negatively affect your sexual drive or your ability to have a steady erection because a minimal percentage (approximately 10%) of your ejaculate comes from your testicles. The other significant portion stems from your upstream structures like your seminal vesicles and prostate. As a result, your ejaculation will feel and look the same, just that your semen will microscopically miss sperm.
A vasectomy might be your best option if you are looking for a permanent birth control solution. Contact your physician for more details if you and your partner are considering the treatment.