There are thousands of toys available in the market but no one can take the place of kendamas. A lot of people and children love playing with kendamas. But the problem with kendamas is that they will start losing their shine with time. So you must have to give acrylic kendamas a fresh touch with the help of painting. A freshly painted and shiny kendamas will attract your child as well.
These are few quick tips that you must have to follow while painting an acrylic kendamas:
- If you want to do a smooth layer of paint then you must have to apply primer before painting. For a primer, you can use any color but white is good and gives a smooth touch to your paint on the wooden surface.
- After applying primer make sure that the surface of the wooden ball will be smooth. But in case if you do not feel the softness then you can use some 800 sandpaper to make the surface smooth than before.
- You have to clear the tama, make sure it will be dust-free and fingerprint-free before starting spraying your preferred color. Because the surface has dust or fingerprints then it will not properly smooth as you want.
- After covering the whole tama of your favorite color you must have to apply a high gloss acrylic coat on it. You must have to give it seven to eight coating layers so that it will be for a longer period.
- After painting the whole ball you just have to leave it for some time to dry. Make sure you have given the proper time for drying otherwise your all efforts can be in vain.
If you follow all the above points then you will easily paint kendama. But make sure you are using good quality paints to paint your kendama.