Ten steps to prevent Heart diseases

Heart diseases can happen in any age group and can be genetic. The term heart disease is usually used for cardiovascular disease. That refers to blockage of vessels which results in heart attack, angina or stroke. The common symptoms among heart diseases are shortness of breath, fatigue, irregular heartbeats. However, heart disease can be avoided, and if you already have heart disease, it can be treated by adopting a healthier lifestyle.

1. Do not inhale bad air:

Living in urban settings and with our cities getting polluted every passing day, clean air is hard to come by. There are few things you can still do to make sure you are not breathing any more toxins than your environment forces upon you. Quit smoking, vaping, or any other recreational drugs you might smoke or take. Try not to spend time around other people when they are smoking as passive smoking in itself is harmful. Wear a face mask when you are outdoors in the daytime. To get some fresh air every day, try to get up early and get some early morning air.

2. Adopt healthy eating habits:

What you eat matters. Make your diet low on fats, carbohydrates, and processed sugar. Take a lot of greens and fruit. Carbohydrates and sugar coming from plants are usually good for you unless you have specific conditions and the doctor has told you to avoid them. Have a balanced diet; make sure you are getting all the necessary minerals and vitamins. As you get older, your body’s capacity to absorb and make necessary compounds to keep your cardiovascular system healthy declines. At this stage, you need to see a physician and start taking your vitamins. For example, Coq10 is an important antioxidant made by your liver, and it reduces inflammation in your heart vessels; its production declines as you get older. You can order coq10 online, and it’s a natural vitamin you can use to fulfil your anatomical need.

3. Make exercise part of your daily life:

If you are young and healthy, you can work out well every day without overexerting your body. Doing 10000 steps every day, which is about a 1-hour of brisk walk is said to be very good for the heart. There other forms of exercises that help you burn off body fat, and keep your muscles healthy and blood circulation well. If you are old and have a heart problem walking an hour is not recommended. However, you can have four short walks of 15-20 minutes every day. Walking increases the heart rate and betters the blood flow throughout the body. Our body is built to do physical work, and if you do not use it, it will start to degenerate.

4. Avoid stress:

No human can live without having stress or some sort of tension. Life is not easy. However, there are things you can do elevate stress. Exercise helps to relieve stress. Do meditation and yoga, and they are known to have a calming effect. Have hobbies and find light forms of entertainment to calm yourself down. Share your thoughts and worries with friends and family, and talking also helps in lessening your burdens. If you are suffering from stress or anxiety, avoid loud and crowded places. Crowds, traffic, loud sounds cause a lot of stress on the nervous system and the older you are and weaker your cardiovascular system, the more stress you will feel from them.

5. Manage your health conditions:

Some people develop hypertension and diabetes early on. The reason for their early development can be genetics, a birth defect, and some major stress in life or because you have an unhealthy lifestyle. Hypertension and diabetes if not managed properly, can cause a lot of major problems. Diabetes can cause the hardening of blood vessels. Hypertension can overwork the heart and cause the heart to enlarge and blood vessels to clog. Make sure to medicate and follow proper diet plans to manage your health conditions so that they do not take a toll on your vital organs.

6. High Cholesterol:

Cholesterol is a waxy substance present in your bloodstream. You need cholesterol to build healthy cells in your body. However, if your cholesterol levels get too high, it starts to deposit in your blood vessels. This deposit causes the narrowing of blood vessels that directly leads to a stroke or a heart attack. Cholesterol levels can get high because of genetic conditions or anatomical changes, and in that case, you need to medicate. However, the reason for high cholesterol normally is fatty diet, obesity, and inactivity. Avoid these three things religiously, and you can have a healthier, lighter and better heart.

7. Maintain a good weight:

Always try that your weight is around what your Body mass index suggests. The heavier you are, the more work your heart has to do. Obesity causes heart failure more than anything else. When your body gets big, your heart does not. Supporting a body larger than it’s designed to support causes the heart to fatigue and that results in some sort of cardiovascular disease.

8. Regular Check-ups:

If you have heart disease in your family, stay alert to the signs. For men after 45 and women after 55, heart disease tends to show if its in the genes. Get an annual check-up. Read up signs and symptoms of heart diseases, so if you feel something out of usual, you can relate quickly. Make your general physician aware of your family’s medical history. Heart disease caught early on, can be treated naturally with the minimum number of medicines. Heart disease not caught in time can cause instant death. It is better to be aware and ready.

9. Have good hygiene:

Many infectious diseases result in harming the heart. Keep yourself clean. Wash your hands before eating or making food. Always wash the meat and vegetables before cooking and consuming them. Cook the food well. Try to eat organic as much as possible. Pesticides are especially bad for your heart. Keep your living place clean and hygienic. Most people believe that food poisoning or stomach bugs have nothing to do with heart health, but they do. Excessive vomiting and dehydration over a while cause heartburn and later heart failure.

10. Maintain A healthy lifestyle:

Healthy lifestyle results in a healthy life. Some diseases like cancer have no definite reason for happening. Hearty diseases are not like that. They have clear signs and symptoms with clear causes. Eat healthily, avoid an excess of anything in your diet, and let it be salt, sugar or fats.


Anything in moderate and controlled amounts does not hurt you. Exercise daily or at least most days of the week. Have a full night’s sleep. An adult needs about 6-7 hours of sleep on a daily basis to maintain a healthy body. Do not stress out over things, and if you do try to calm yourself quickly. Live well, live healthily.