A gleaming kitchen is critical for all commercial kitchens. Legally, certain standards must be upheld for the health of customers and staff alike; here are some tips for keeping your commercial kitchen meticulously clean.
Spotting bacteria
Although visually clean, a kitchen can become contaminated by invisible bacteria which wreak havoc in restaurants. By being thorough and organised you can prevent the spread of bacteria and germs.
According to the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act, every food business should have a cleaning rota in place which must be rigorously followed. A visit by Environmental Health officers can be conducted at any time, so show a cleaning schedule as well as a spotless kitchen.
Although seeming clean, if these areas are not dealt with regularly, bacteria, dirt, and grease can build up and contaminate your kitchen.
Allocating cleaning duties
Once your rota is written, list each cleaning duty in order of priority; high, medium and low. Divide these chores evenly across your staff, giving each member a checklist ensuring the head chef oversees hygiene procedures.
Food preparation areas, chopping boards, and work surfaces should be cleaned daily during work shifts with towels and dishcloths also changed. Cooking utensils should be washed regularly and sanitised once handling different foods. The rubbish bins should be emptied at least twice a day and grills wiped after each use. Commercial catering equipment such as those found at https://www.247cateringsupplies.co.uk/ should be wiped down daily using a multi-purpose cleaner. The inside of ovens should be sanitised, with hob areas also kept clean.
Unused or leftover food must be checked, with food past its best before date disposed of. Fridges must be cleaned out every week, using an antibacterial solution to sanitise.
Clean floors using an antibacterial product, with taps, drain areas and sinks also sanitised and cleaned. Remember to also descale appliances such as kettles, with coffee machines and toasters also cleaned out.
Deep cleaning
One day a month should be dedicated to deep cleaning areas that are hidden, such as behind appliances, skirting areas, around fridges and on top of shelving. Utilising a day you are closed, clean storage cupboards and freezers with heavy duty cleaners, or hire an external company to do it for you, and check food stores for contamination and pests.