Transporting an elderly patient -what to consider

Intro: Transporting an elderly person can bring its own set of concerns and issues. How do we move people safely and without compromising on their comfort?

Getting to and from appointments with an elderly companion isn’t always as simple as you may think. People often express a wish to stay in their own homes rather than enter residential care, as highlighted in the Better at Home report. But this can mean they struggle to access some services, including transportation whether that’s to a hospital or to another appointment.

When it comes to transporting an elderly patient, there are a few key issues that need considering such as;


For someone who is wheelchair-bound or their mobility is severely restricted, transportation will need to be door-to-door. In some cases, a carer will also need additional help in moving the patent safely from their home too.

For older people with increased mobility, it may be possible to hire a taxi or patient transport if it’s for a hospital appointment that they need to get to.


Moving someone who has significant mobility issues takes time. Rushing can lead to accidents and falls, as well as the whole process not being comfortable for them or for their carer.

It is essential that transport and movement to appointments etc. are planned and that you allow plenty of time to get ready and to not rush. Rushing doesn’t just mean more risks when getting a patient to move, it can also lead to them feeling stressed.

Type of transport used

It’s also important to get the right kind of transport too. Some people are able to travel in a taxi or with patient transport services providing they have their walking aids or other equipment. For other people with more restricted mobility, transport can be more problematic and this is something that you need to look at carefully.

For example, people who need to be lifted with a hoist may need more than one carer to help them from their home into the vehicle. You may need to rely on specialist transport services too.

The shortest route

Many elderly people find attending appointments an anxious time, compounded by issues relating to transport. As well as struggling to find suitable transport, they can also find the cost of transport prohibitive too.

And when these concerns have been overcome, there is also comfort to consider too. Long journeys are tiring and so carers should be mindful of ensuring that the journey takes the shortest route and once you’ve arrived at the other end, that all the necessary help is in place.

Transporting the elderly – an issue that needs effective solutions

Reports have highlighted just how many elderly people are affected by lack of suitable and affordable transport. When hopping on the bus or taking the care isn’t an option, there are very few transport routes open to them.

But with their live-in carer helping them to access services, it is possible to find the right transport solution.

As a live in carer, (you can find out more what this entails at The Live In Care Hub ( you’ll help your companion to live life to the full and to access the care and help they need, including how to get around safely.