What Sam Zherka Says About Importance Of Spending Quality Time With Family?

When it comes to success in life, it is very important for you to ensure that you spend quality time with family. Even successful professionals like Sam Zherka who is an esteemed real estate expert, motivational speaker; humanitarian and proud father in the USA says so. He is very attached to his parents and they are today his biggest role models. He is originally from Albania and settled in the USA.

The importance of learning the right values in life

When it comes to family ties and bonds, he says that you can learn life skills and the right values and qualities in life. He says that as a parent, you have many roles and responsibilities. Inspired by his own parents, he is the proud father of 8 children. He says that though he has many professional responsibilities, his biggest joy is his family. He has five sons and three daughters. He dearly loves his wife and he says that once you become a father, you enjoy a roller coaster ride every single day.

Happiness begins at home

He says that there are many people who have families but they prefer to devote long hours at work. They give more importance to work and do not like to spend time with their families. These people might earn lots of money in life however they miss out on precious moments as they do not understand the worth and the value of spending precious family time. Like them, he too in the past used to work for very long hours till he discovered the joys of parenting and coming home to a loving family.

Though he has eight children, he did not plan on having so many kids with his wife. They had quadruplets and he was happy to have four boys together. He says that before he became a father he never knew how much he would change positively. Today, he feels accomplished when he goes home to his wife and children after a hard day’s work. He says that fatherhood makes him complete even though he is a professional at work. He says that he loves every moment that he spends with his kids. They are still young and he insists that he does not wish to miss any precious moments with them. He says that he loves coming back to a household filled with the noise of children. He states that no matter how much money you can earn, there is nothing as rewarding as the hugs and the kisses of your children.

He may be a successful and esteemed real estate professional and motivational speaker but Sam Zherka says that family is very important in your life. He always has attached importance and love to his family. He says and advises people that earning money is important but the love and respect of your family gives you the mental boost and energy that even money cannot substitute. This is why it is crucial for you to always ensure you spend quality time with your family and create precious everlasting memories with success!